General Info

Responsibilities of Gymnast and Parent

There is a risk of injury,including serious injury or death, in gymnastic activity. The coaches and instructors will make every effort to keep your child safe, but part of the burden of safety belongs to the gymnast and their parents.

Be supervised

Gymnasts and visitors should never be on the equipment or engage in gymnastic activity without supervision. We realize the gym is a really fun place to play and that parents may not be able to provide constant supervision. However, it is essential that you provide direct supervision to any children who are not in class to keep them off the equipment and assure that your children who are enrolled in classes understand that they may only participate in gymnastics during their class period.

Dress appropriately

Be prepared to participate!

Gymnasts who are ill, angry, tired, frustrated or otherwise unable to concentrate invite injury. If your child is sick please keep them at home.

Communicate clearly

Gymnasts should listen carefully to instructions. A child who is unable to follow directions is probably not ready for gymnastics. Gymnasts and parents should question instructions they do not understand.

Please leave the coaching to us!

We know that as you watch your child you may identify skills that could be corrected, but please leave it to the coaches and do not provide additional instruction from the sidelines. We want to focus on the big issues first and not overwhelm your child with corrections! We want your child to enjoy gymnastics AND learn the correct way to perform skills.

Check their hair

Gymnasts should keep their hair under control so that vision is not impaired, even when they are upside down! Please bring hair ties or scrunchies to tie back long hair.

Dress for Gym

Gymnasts should wear appropriate attire for all activities. Clothing that is baggy or too tight can impede movement and reduce safety.

Appropriate dress for gymnastics includes:

Girls: leotard is best, lycra or knit shorts are acceptable for beginner classes with T-shirt tucked into the shorts, and hair pulled back so it does not get in the eyes.

   No: jewelry,dresses,jeans,skirts,or baggy pants/shorts.

Boys: Stretchy shorts or close fitting stretchy long pants, including warm-ups, are acceptable, T-shirt tucked into their shorts, long hair pulled back out of eyes.

   No: Pants or shorts with zippers, buttons or snaps.

goofy gymnasts